
In accordance with Section 182A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Edgeconnex Ireland Ltd., gives notice of its intention to make an application for permission/approval to An Bord Pleanála in relation to the proposed development described below.

The proposed development primarily comprises the provision of two no. 110kV transmission lines along with associated and ancillary works.  The proposed transmission lines will connect the permitted and under construction Coolderrig 110kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) substation compound that was granted permission under SDCC Reg. Ref. SD18A/0298 with the existing Grange Castle – Kilmahud Circuits. The site of the proposed development has an area of c. 1.49 hectares.

The two proposed underground single circuit 110kV transmission lines will connect the permitted Coolderrig 110kV GIS Substation, within the existing Edgeconnex landholding, to the existing Grange Castle – Kilmahud Circuits to the east. The proposed transmission lines cover a distance of approximately 559m and 574m within the townland of Grange, Dublin 22.  The route of the transmission lines will pass along and under the internal road infrastructure within the Edgeconnex site and Grange Castle Business Park; above the culverted Griffeen River and along a wayleave to the north of the Griffeen River to the joint bays where it will connect into the Grange Castle – Kilmahud Circuits.

The development includes the connections to the permitted Coolderrig substation as well as to the Grange Castle – Kilmahud Circuits, as well as changes to the landscaping within the Grange Castle Business Park and all associated construction and ancillary works.

The permitted and under construction Coolderrig 110kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) substation includes a two storey GIS Substation building (with a gross floor area of 556sqm) (known as the Coolderrig Substation), associated underground services; 2 no. transformers and single storey MV switch room (180sqm) within a 2.6m high fenced compound, and all associated construction and ancillary works.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of this application.